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Display Network Advertising

Whether you’re an established brand or a relatively small business, there are lots of different digital marketing techniques. One of these is display network advertising.

Maven Media Group

Display Network Advertising Overview

Within the realm of digital marketing, there are a number of fantastic ways to gain recognition and exposure for a product or service. Whether you’re an established brand or a relatively small business, there are lots of different digital marketing techniques. One of these is display network advertising.

As a team of digital marketing specialists, we have a great deal of experience with display network advertising. Regardless of your business or budget, we’re able to create a bespoke display network advertising strategy. To do this, we take you and your target market into account, identifying a strategy that will offer the best possible chance of success.

What Is Display Network Advertising?

Though you may not have been aware of it at the time, you will have probably seen examples of display network advertising when browsing the web. The various banners and boxes promoting a product or service on different websites are all part of display network advertising. Whereas pay per click advertising places advertisements on a specific search engine, display network advertising places them on a network of popular placements including apps & websites.

The aim of display network advertising is to market products to a specific audience; this could be based on their age, gender, location and even their interest. These targeting options mean that you can market to potential customers in the right place, at the right time.

Why Display Advertisements Would Work For Your Brand

Display adverts are a great method in driving high volumes of brand impressions across a versatile selection of advertising approaches. Display adverts can be targeted by remarketing to past website visitors, selected and relevant keywords, audience groups with high purchasing intent and appropriate websites & publications.

Display adverts use a combination of imagery and copy to encourage your target audience through to your website. What’s more, you have complete control over the visual elements and messaging used. This approach tends to be more eye-catching and engaging than search adverts alone, with the option to incorporate moving images, video and bold brand imagery.

Using Google’s predefined formats presents the opportunity to deliver bespoke display banners that feature key brand messaging, logos and imagery to capture your audience’s attention. Our team is able to support in creating tailored display banners, fully optimized for Google’s requirements. Get in touch with us today to talk through display banner ideas and bring your adverts to life.

Place your adverts in front of people at different points of their purchasing journey. Use generic display ads to inform those that may not know of your brand whilst they’re searching across the web for the products or services you offer. Alternatively, use a more personalized approach with dynamic display marketing. Show products that were previously viewed or even added to a customer’s cart, increasing the likelihood of conversion with warm leads.

Finally, display marketing can be great value for money with a typically lower cost per click than both search and shopping adverts. Whilst reaching some of the widest audiences, only those with a genuine interest tend to click through to the website, saving you money and enhancing budgets.

Take your display marketing to the next level and boost your paid advertising with us today.

Our Strategy

At Maven Media Group, we offer a wide range of advertising services and this includes display network advertising. There are a number of fantastic benefits to using display network advertising for both products and services, which is why it’s a popular route for businesses of all sizes to take. In fact, it’s a technique that we include in many of our bespoke digital marketing strategies. To find out more about display network advertising or for more information on any of our other digital marketing services, get in touch

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What We Offer

People are searching for what you have to sell. The problem is that if they don’t find you they can’t buy from you… and that’s costing you money (and a heap of frustration).

PPC strategy

Creating a PPC strategy that’s right for you is crucial. Understanding your business, industry and competitors is key to develop a strategy that’s going to deliver the strongest return on ad-spend.


We work to deliver the chosen strategy to attract new customers as well as bring old customers back.


We produce reports on a monthly basis to provide you with insightful information on your campaigns. We report on the key metrics you’re most interested in, allowing you to know exactly how well you’re campaign is performing month on month, and year on year.

Adcopy Writing

We ensure your PPC adverts are focused to the adgroups keywords and to the landing pages on your website, using strong call to actions to really increase your click through rate. We split test adcopy continuously to be sure we are getting the best possible results, increasing your quality score, and essentially, keeping your cost per clicks as low as possible.


Less than 95% of your customers will convert the first time they visit your website and will on average, visits 2-4 competitors before they make their final conversion decision. We create brand and dynamic remarketing campaigns to bring back those visitors who have left your website back.

YouTube Advertising

Youtube is the second biggest search platform in the UK and has a huge advertising platform behind it. If you’re waning to showcase videos to a relevant audience or implement your shopping feed onto YouTube shopping campaigns, Maven Media Group can help you create a YouTube marketing strategy.

Shopping Ads

We set up, manage and optimize your shopping campaigns and product listing ads to promote your online shop. Management of your Google feed allows us to ensure the right product shows for the right keywords.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions have become a crucial part of the PPC landscape. Ad extensions transform your adverts, giving you the opportunity to stand out over your competitors, adding in all your USPs to increase your click through rate.

Data Analysis

We keep on top of the data for you so you don’t need to worry. We continually check keyword trends in your industry, keeping an eye on your competitors to ensure we are always at the peak in your industry.

Choosing the Correct Channels

A lot of people think of PPC as just being text ads at the top of Google, however, any expert knows there’s a lot more to it than that and each business will react well to different channels. We use remarketing to get people back to your website, Gmail Sponsored Promotions to get your brand in front of a particular audience with specific interests and Google Shopping to boost sales to your online shop.

Keyword Research

We’ll ensure you’re targeting the most appropriate keywords and not wasting any of your adspend. We look into keyword data and take into consideration areas such as seasonality to ensure we are always upweighting budgets to keywords that work particularly well for that month. We also keep on top of any new search terms to keep you ahead of your competitors.

Conversion Tracking

One of the first things we do when we take on a campaign is make sure your conversion tracking is set-up correctly. This is crucial to any campaign and allows us to optimize campaigns as well as report on actual ROI. We track conversions in lots of forms, from contact form submission, to a transaction online, to a data capture form being used for your email newsletter.

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