
Maven Media Group

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Improve your return on investment through data-driven, results-focused PPC management.

Maven Media Group

PPC Marketing Overview

Google Ads allows you to push your website in front of those searching for relevant keywords associated with your business. This makes it a highly targeted and hugely effective marketing platform. Simple, right? Well, only if it’s done properly.

Maven Media Group is in a league of its own when it comes to managing and optimizing campaigns. If you want your Ads campaign to be successful, you need an agency who knows a thing or two about Google Ads. Luckily, Maven Media Group knows a heck of a lot more than just a thing or two.

If you’re looking to combine a few services with a PPC campaign then SEOAmazon marketing and paid social media campaigns could also work for you.

Our Strategy

Leading PPC Agency

When it comes to planning a successful Google PPC campaign, we believe in a smart, data-driven approach. Focusing on an ROI-led strategy, our PPC campaigns are perfect for companies looking to drive immediate, targeted traffic and scale their revenue online.

As specialists in YouTube marketing, Google Ads, Bing advertising, Amazon, Paid Social and more, our team are passionate about delivering high-performing campaigns that drive change for your business – and we let our results speak for themselves.

Focus On The PPC Metrics That Matter

Run ads activity that drives success. Our campaigns focus on the KPIs that will achieve your goals, with a results-driven approach to campaigns. Don’t waste money on vanity metrics – implement activity that will drive your business forward.

Streamline Your PPC Ad Spend

Stop wasting unnecessary ad spend. Make your budget work harder with our targeted campaigns that focus on optimizing for low cost-per-clicks and a low cost-per-acquisition. Our approach incorporates keyword research, bid strategies and optimization to deliver a best-performing solution that increases your ROI.

Partner With Our Google Ads Specialist & Drive Long-Term Growth

Secure the foundations of your PPC activity and adopt a forward-thinking approach to create a long-term strategy for success. Our Google Ads specialists work to deliver PPC dynamic campaigns that will fuel growth and propel your business forward – identifying new areas of opportunity and tailoring a strategy that incorporates seasonality, industry trends and cross-channel activity.

A D2C Marketing Agency That Aligns With Your Values

Creating standout ads takes more than just bidding on the right keywords. It requires that your marketing agency aligns with your own values to bring you the success you need.

We’ve worked with a number of D2C eCommerce businesses to enhance their brand presence online, and we can help get your ads seen on the platforms that matter most to you. Engage your ideal target audience by telling the story of your brand in a way that connects with them, capitalizing on the success a D2C business model deserves.

Scale eCommerce With Google Shopping

Make your eCommerce traffic more profitable with high engagement rates, increased conversions and a low acquisition cost. Our shopping campaigns will get your products found, and ensure you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Transform Your Account With Actionable PPC Audits

Do you already have a strong presence online? Streamline your spend, improve user engagement and get the blueprint for success with our detailed PPC audits. Get more from your existing campaigns with the help of our experts today.

Start Your Online Journey

What We Offer

People are searching for what you have to sell. The problem is that if they don’t find you they can’t buy from you… and that’s costing you money (and a heap of frustration).

PPC Strategy

Creating a PPC strategy that’s right for you is crucial. Understanding your business, industry and competitors is key to develop a strategy that’s going to deliver the strongest return on ad-spend.


We work to deliver the chosen strategy to attract new customers as well as bring old customers back.


We produce reports on a monthly basis to provide you with insightful information on your campaigns. We report on the key metrics you’re most interested in, allowing you to know exactly how well you’re campaign is performing month on month, and year on year.

Ad-Copy Writing

We ensure your PPC adverts are focused to the adgroups keywords and to the landing pages on your website, using strong call to actions to really increase your click through rate. We split test ad-copy continuously to be sure we are getting the best possible results, increasing your quality score, and essentially, keeping your cost per clicks as low as possible.


Less than 95% of your customers will convert the first time they visit your website and will on average, visits 2-4 competitors before they make their final conversion decision. We create brand and dynamic remarketing campaigns to bring back those visitors who have left your website back.

YouTube Advertising

Youtube is the second biggest search platform in the UK and has a huge advertising platform behind it. If you want to showcase videos to a relevant audience or implement your shopping feed onto YouTube shopping campaigns, Maven Media Group can help you create a YouTube marketing strategy.

Shopping Ads

We set up, manage and optimize your shopping campaigns and product listing ads to promote your online shop. Management of your Google feed allows us to ensure the right product shows for the right keywords.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions have become a crucial part of the PPC landscape. Ad extensions transform your adverts, giving you the opportunity to stand out over your competitors, adding in all your USPs to increase your click through rate.

Data Analysis

We keep on top of the data for you so you don’t need to worry. We continually check keyword trends in your industry, keeping an eye on your competitors to ensure we are always at the peak in your industry.

Choosing The Correct Channels

A lot of people think of PPC as just being text ads at the top of Google, however, any expert knows there’s a lot more to it than that and each business will react well to different channels. We use remarketing to get people back to your website, Gmail Sponsored Promotions to get your brand in front of a particular audience with specific interests and Google Shopping to boost sales to your online shop.

Keyword Research

We’ll ensure you’re targeting the most appropriate keywords and not wasting any of your ad-spend. We look into keyword data and take into consideration areas such as seasonality to ensure we are always upweighting budgets to keywords that work particularly well for that month. We also keep on top of any new search terms to keep you ahead of your competitors.

Conversion Tracking

One of the first things we do when we take on a campaign is make sure your conversion tracking is set-up correctly. This is crucial to any campaign and allows us to optimize campaigns as well as report on actual ROI. We track conversions in lots of forms, from contact form submission, to a transaction online, to a data capture form being used for your email newsletter.

Want to know why your website isn’t getting the traffic it deserves?

We’ll analyse your website and send you a FREE report including 5 actionable tips to help improve your Google rankings.