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What is Amazon Advertising? The Basics You Need to Know

With 86% of people in the United Kingdom shopping at Amazon, there is no doubt that the ongoing growth of the global eCommerce platform is an excellent opportunity for retailers to build their audience and overall brand awareness.

Similar to Google PPC, retailers have the ability to advertise their products with Amazon pay-per-click advertising. But what is Amazon advertising and how does it work? We’re here to walk you through the basics.

What are Amazon Ads?

Amazon advertising works in a similar way to pay-per-click Google advertising, sellers only have to pay when users click on their advertisements. These ads show up in searches for specific keywords related to your product, allowing potential customers to see your products even if you are not appearing organically. This is particularly helpful for lesser-known brands to increase awareness of your business’s offering.

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In addition to search ads, you also have the option of placing ads within other related product listings. You’ll choose items that are similar to your own and your ads have the opportunity to appear on these pages.

Types of Amazon Ads

There are three main types of Amazon ads available to use within a seller account. They all have different applications and can be beneficial to your business in a variety of ways. 

Sponsored Products

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One of the most common types of Amazon ads is sponsored product advertisements. These often appear at the top of search result pages appearing for chosen keywords and within product detail pages as ‘related products’. These can be identified by the sponsored tag underneath the image.

Sponsored products have the ability to feature up to three unique products allowing customisation and testing of your ads’ image, headline, and landing page. You can set your daily budget alongside the overall duration of your campaign. This prevents any overspending and promotes control of your advertising budget.

Sponsored Brand Campaigns

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Sponsored Brand Campaigns are often used by businesses with more than one product in order to feature a variety of their offerings and in turn increase brand awareness. 

These advertisements feature an eye-catching image or graphic alongside three products, your logo, and a brand headline. Much like Sponsored Product ads, you can bid on specific terms you want your ads to appear for alongside full daily budget control.

Sponsored Display Ads

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Sponsored Display ads are slightly different in the way that they work compared to other Amazon ad types. Display ads utilise image assets in particular, appearing on other product listing pages within Amazon. 

The primary difference with Sponsored Display ads is that they can also advertise on third-party websites, allowing you to retarget potential customers on and off of Amazon. 

Within setup, you also do not target keywords, instead targeting specific audiences such as those who have explored your products before and those with relevant interests. 

Amazon Advertising Benefits

So why should you choose to advertise your products on Amazon? 

  • Increase awareness of products and boost sales. 
  • Improve brand awareness.
  • Track your results & make data-driven decisions.
  • Gain valuable insights on changing consumer habits.
  • Target interested audiences.

Get Help Advertising Your Products on Amazon

Amazon ads are one of the best tools sellers have to increase awareness of their products and boost sales. Need help with your Amazon Advertising? At Maven Media Group, we can assist you with your advertising efforts by creating campaigns, tracking and optimizing performance, and overseeing the running of your account. Get in touch with us today.

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